Using the InputMatrix class

Features of the InputMatrix class

Number of input values minimum: 1, maximum: N
Dimensions minimum: 1, maximum: 3

Steps to create an Input Matrix

1. Object declaration

InputMatrix im;

Required. Declares the object im to be of type InputMatrix.


2. Constructor call

im = new InputMatrix(size,dim);

Required. Creates an instance of InputMatrix. This is the only constructor of the class and has the following arguments:

size: the number of input values (1...N)

dim: the dimension of this matrix (1...3)


3. Set values (version 1)

im.setInputX(x); (and)

im.setInputY(y); (and)


Required. Sets input values for each dimension to this matrix. These methods can be used sequentially, if you want an input matrix with 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. The arguments x, y, and z are arrays of type int. To define a 3-dimensional input matrix, you may use the setInputValues(x,y,z) method.


3. Set values (version 2)


Required. Sets input values for all three dimensions to this matrix. This method is used, when you want an input matrix with three dimensions. The arguments x, y, and z are arrays of type int.

Information is available on:

Number of input values


Returns the number of input values in this input matrix.




Returns the dimension of this input matrix.

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